Our Approach

How to Join Us

We’re committed to providing a transparent, fair and globally consistent hiring process through our GO FAR framework. We’re passionate about creating a world-class candidate experience, so we’ve created this short guide to help you prepare for your interview with us. Every candidate will go through a series of interviews, each focused on one of the three dimensions of GO FAR - Good for Farfetch, Good for Growth and Good for Role. 


Good for Farfetch

At Farfetch, we have a strong set of company values. This interview assesses whether your past behaviours are aligned with our shared principles, culture and ways of working.

Good for Growth

Since we operate in a fast-paced, ever-changing landscape we look for candidates that have the potential to thrive in our environment. Most critically, we seek those that see change as an exciting opportunity to learn and who are comfortable quickly adapting to and leading others through change.

Good for Role

We will be assessing the skills and competencies that are critical to performing the role you are interested in. We will seek to understand your relevant experience, technical skills and subject matter expertise.


Behavioural Interviewing


We believe that past behaviour is the most accurate indicator of future success. Throughout your interviews, we want to understand not only what you have achieved, but how you achieved it - and equally when you have failed, what did you learn. We recommend reflecting on your past experiences and preparing detailed examples in advance.

When interviewing, it’s most useful to leverage the STAR method to answer questions:

* Situation - What situation were you faced with?

* Task - What tasks were involved in that situation?

* Action - What actions did you take?

* Results - What were the results of those actions?


How to Prepare


  • Learn about Farfetch - take some time to learn about our company, recent achievements and more.
  • Find out about the role - we encourage you to thoroughly review the job description and research the role to demonstrate your motivation.
  • Be prepared - reflect on your past experiences and prepare examples in advance.
  • Ask questions - make sure to find out everything you want to know about the position, team, our business and culture.
  • Please note - some technical roles may require additional technical assessments.



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